SAP Security, which courses should you follow?

Posted by Andrea Mazzolani (translation) on Nov 4, 2022 12:00:00 AM


There are different formative paths and trainings for the SAP Security area. Below there are the main courses in the SAP Security and Governance area provided by SAP.

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Topics: corso, pfcg, gdpr, e-learning, SAP GRC, idm, access management, SAP Security, SAP HR, HANA, training

GDPR Course - General Data Protection Regulation

Posted by Andrea Cavalleri on Feb 25, 2021 12:00:00 AM


On the 25th of may the “General Data Protection Regulation”, also known as “UE 2016/679 Regulation” or “GDPR” has become effective.

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Topics: corso, gdpr, e-learning, SAP GDPR

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