SAP Security, which courses should you follow?

Posted by Andrea Mazzolani (translation) on Nov 4, 2022 12:00:00 AM


There are different formative paths and trainings for the SAP Security area. Below there are the main courses in the SAP Security and Governance area provided by SAP.

CORSI SAP Security

Which ones would you like to follow?


1. SAP Security area (SAP roles and profiles)



2. HANA Database Security


3. SAP Governance Risk and Compliance and GDPR Area



Aglea provides teachers to SAP Italy for the SAP Security and Governance area!


4. Area Identity and Access Management



5. Which should you do before and after?


The ADM900 and GRC100 introduction courses can be a good starting point to get an idea of how SAP Security should and is managed. Statistically the most frequent courses of the above area are:

  • GRC300/ADM940
  • ADM950
  • Following all the other courses



Topics: corso, pfcg, gdpr, e-learning, SAP GRC, idm, access management, SAP Security, SAP HR, HANA, training

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