SE16 in SAP

Posted by Fabio Mambretti on Dec 30, 2022 12:00:00 AM

For some SE16 may be an unknown acronym. For others it is the "bread and butter." It is a SAP transaction remarkably familiar to administrators. And often not only them, unfortunately.




But what is it used for? How many versions of it are there? How do you use it and what are the risks involved?

We discuss  it in this article!

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Topics: se16n, se16, SAP Security, supporto sap ams, sap query, SAP GDPR


Posted by Fabio Mambretti on May 6, 2022 12:00:00 AM

For those that don't know SAP's authorization aspects this title might be just a tongue-twister.


On the contrary for those who manage authorizations in SAP these are very well-known authorization objects. How should you go about managing them?

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Topics: se16, s_tabu_dis, s_tabu_rfc, s_tabu_nam, sql

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