SOAR, what does it mean? Why is it important?

Posted by Andrea Mazzolani (translation) on Apr 14, 2023 12:00:00 AM

SOAR is the acronym for Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response.


Why is it important to know what it is and how is it used? The definition of a SOAR SAP Security system is strategic.


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Topics: soar, sap etd, sap siem, sap splunk

SAP Data Loss Prevention, what to do?

Posted by Andrea Mazzolani (translation) on Nov 11, 2022 12:00:00 AM

What does Data Loss Prevention mean?


It means to "put in place" all the possible actions to prevent non-authorized data leaks.


Data leak and data loss have multiple meanings. But what can you do in SAP?

Fuga di dati e perdita di dati hanno significati molteplici. Ma come è possibile fare in SAP?

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Topics: SAP audit, soar, sap etd, sap siem, sap hana, data loss prevention, SAP DLP, rfc security

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