3 tips ready to use. Reduce SAP security management costs!

Posted by Marta Ortona on Sep 23, 2022 12:00:00 AM


There are cases in which the management of 10.000 SAP users is done by two or three people (maybe not full-time).


Other similar or smaller cases where a team of 15 full-time people fail to meet the demands.

How is it possible? Let’s try to analyze what could be the causes and also possible solutions.

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Topics: sicurezza sap, SAP GRC, sap consulenza security, consulenti

Consultants with production environment access? 5 actions to remember!

Posted by Marta Ortona on Mar 11, 2022 12:00:00 AM


Is it really possible that external consultants do not have any access to SAP production systems? 


Clearly there are various case studies, occasional or ongoing consultants, for example for maintenance contracts.


Is it really necessary to release an access to the production systems even in this last case? Can we control what happens and why it is requested?

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Topics: pfcg, gdpr, sap_all, sod, SAP GRC, consulenti

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